Pool season is officially in effect. It’s always good to ensure your backyard oasis is functioning at its optimum levels so your family, friends, and wallet can enjoy everything pool ownership offers.
You have probably heard the best kind of medicine is the preventative kind, and the same can be said for caring for your pool. Tending to your pool on a daily basis will enable you to notice problems when they first start. Addressing small problems before they get big will save you time and money down the road. With that in mind, here are three simple and practical tips for a cleaner pool. They may seem obvious, but sometimes you just need a reminder.
1) Skim regularly
Skim your pool on a regular basis. How often depends on how much debris normally falls into your pool; but don’t put it off—even on the days the pool is t not being used. Get in the habit of checking the skimmer basket every time you use the leaf rake. Don’t let it overflow or sit for hours full to the top with debris. Doing so leads to poor water circulation which gives algae a foothold.
2) Test the water
Pool water needs to be tested a minimum of two to three times per week. If your pool sees a lot of use you might have to test it every day. This is because pools that are used more frequently are more subject to chemical imbalance than pools that are used less often.
Suntan lotion, tanners and other chemicals increase the chemical levels in your pool water when more people use your pool. That’s why it’s so easy to end up with cloudy water after a pool party. Even sparkling pools can cloud when a myriad of chemicals are introduced into the water.
3) Brush and vacuum
How often you have to vacuum your pool and brush the sides will depend on how often the pool is used. Some pools only need weekly vacuuming while others need it done every other day. If you see leaves or other debris at the bottom of the pool it is definitely time to vacuum.
Some folks like to get in the pool while they vacuum. This is a fun way to get the task done. If you do this, bring an algae brush with you. If you have had algae in the past, brush the sides where it occurred even if you see nothing there.
Preventative maintenance will go a long way toward keeping your pool cleaner and the premier the place to be under the summer sun. Keep visiting Homestructions.com for more tips on keeping your pool looking its best and working optimally.
Post Author: andyc.