Just as in basketball, you want to be the champion of your own home. By doing so, you can have a lot more fun, save money, and avoid common problems that homeowners face. This is obviously not easy to do without thought, but if you follow these four tips, you can become a champion of your house.
1. Keep it natural: It’s easy to rush out and buy harsh cleaning supplies full of chemicals, but these can cause a host of health issues. Opt for a natural approach when want to clean your walls, carpet or counters by checking out the organic cleaning supplies section the next time you go to the store. You can easily keep things in order and avoid getting sick from harsh and unnatural chemicals. Additionally, if you have the skills, you should consider making your own natural products, as this is an easy way to save cash and keep your house looking great and in order.
2. Schedule maintenance: It’s easy to forego routine maintenance on your residence, but this can lead to costly repair bills in the future. To avoid this problem, you should have monthly and yearly calendars and keep notes of days when you need to perform basic maintenance. Without a doubt, you should remember to change air filters and check hoses for leaks. By taking this step, you will avoid long-term problems and can save yourself a lot of trouble.
3. De-clutter: Some homeowners, after a while, will let their house fill up with clutter. This is not good for residents and visitors alike. To avoid this problem, the homeowner should, on occasion, walk through every room and put items in piles — one pile to donate, one to sell and one to throw in the garbage. Ideally, you should not keep any items that you have not used for over a year. Of course, this is not a hard and fast rule as there are some items you will want to keep that you only occasionally use.
4. Home warranty: While it doesn’t seem obvious or necessary, you should consider a home warranty. In the long run, this worthwhile investment can protect your bottom line. Think about it — when a washer or dryer breaks, you’ll have a costly repair on your hands. Other times, when dealing with an older house and its systems, you will be glad to have a warranty when problems occur. Remember, life happens, and you should prepare well in advance. Home warranties like those American Home Shield offers can help you save time, energy, and money.
When you own your home, you should try to take plenty of pride in it. Remember to be sure to keep your appliances and systems protected while protecting your wallet and time with a home warranty from American Home Shield.
Post Author: andyc.